Iodine and breast health facts
- Less than 30% of the body’s total iodine goes to the thyroid. In fact over half of all iodine in the body is concentrated in other tissues including the eyes, prostate and breasts.
- Low levels of iodine in breast tissues makes them more sensitive to estrogen.
- Iodine has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects in the breast tissue.
- During breastfeeding there is a surge of iodine in the breasts regulating mitosis, reducing DNA damage and fibrosis. Protecting the breasts.
- Japanese women get 25 times more iodine in their diet compared with Australian women, this may be related to why Japanese breast cancer rates are so much lower. Foods high in iodine include wakame, shellfish, seaweeds.
- Iodine may reduce breast density and fibrosis.
Good sources for more information on Iodine’s role in breast health include Christine Northrup’s book ‘Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom’, and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s power point at