The use of Progesterone and testosterone
Us women seem to be constantly trying to balance and maintain our hormones. From our teenage years, through pregnancy and birth the then to peri-menopause and finally menopause. We also have to contend with the rising list of synthetic estrogen’s in foods, bio-identical hormones, commercial products and even sometimes our water. More often than not estrogen levels are higher and progesterone is deficient.
To manage progesterone deficiency it can be as simple as using Wild Anna’s Yam cream daily on the breasts everyday, not stopping during your cycle. Applying the progesterone cream to the breasts, where we find many receptors, will help to reduce vascularity’s and balance overall hormones.
Is used in many cases to deal with the long list of symptoms during menopause. Symptoms such as night sweats, hot flushes, poor energy and low libido. Testosterone can be applied through injection, or a cream (high strength) applied directly to the clitoris.
Of course this information has to be tailored to your own situation, and is simply a general guide. Seeking proper hormonal testing and guidance is essential.