The use of progesterone and testosterone…

The use of progesterone and testosterone…

The use of Progesterone and testosterone Us women seem to be constantly trying to balance and maintain our hormones. From our teenage years, through pregnancy and birth the then to peri-menopause and finally menopause. We also have to contend with the rising list of...
Want healthy breasts? Avoid these foods.

Want healthy breasts? Avoid these foods.

Want healthy breasts? Avoid these foods. The most popular estrogenic foods that most readers are probably aware of to avoid are; Flaxseed Soy Chickpeas Hummus Anything sesame Multigrain breads and crackers Many vegetarian and vegan pre prepared products Non organic...
The how does Thermography work?

The how does Thermography work?

The how does Thermography work? Thermal Imaging is a superficial imaging procedure, monitoring the skin’s temperature. When looking at breast health we like to see symmetry within the breasts. This means warmer and cooler patterns in the same areas of both breasts,...
Essential Oils to Avoid for Breast Health

Essential Oils to Avoid for Breast Health

Essential Oils to Avoid for Breast Health The flowing is a list of essential oils that potentially increased estrogen, and the effects of estrogen on the breasts. Remember that many of us women are actually progesterone deficient, so when we use oils that mimic...