Are You Dirty? 10 Tips To Get Clean!
The most important thing to keep clean is your colon. That is the hub of your body and where health and disease begins and ends. Keep your colon clean with colonics, enemas and green herbs in the form of juices, smoothies and salads. Probiotics keep the healthy bacteria high and the unhealthy bacteria at bay.
Unhealthy anaerobic bacteria, viruses fungus, yeasts and molds have taken over a lot of people. Once the bacterial and fungal biofilms are formed it can take a lot of time, effort and knowledge to remove them. Google ‘biofilms in humans’. Most people, including your doctor have no clue they even exist.
You must stay clean inside and out in order to keep these unhealthy microbes from taking over the temple of your spirit. Antibiotics are ineffective in eradicating fungus and bacteria once they reach the biofilm stage.
Here are some of the things to do to stay clean and shiny inside and out.
1. Daily bathing. Use loofa gloves 2-3 times per week to keep my skin nice and soft.
2. Sun bathing. The sun is a purifier. It is anti bacterial, anti viral and anti fungal. Acne is a combination of bacterial and fugal infection.
3. Breath work and moderate exercise. GET MORE FRESH AIR AND FUN MOVEMENT!
4. Chlorophyll rich leafy green herbs. Chlorophyll amplifies the oxygen carrying capacity in you blood. Drink a green juice and take a walk in nature while being conscious of your breath and feel the life force regenerating you.
5. Enzymes. I use enzymes daily to break up the bio films that are associated with almost all diseases conditions. (Earaches, heart disease, auto immune disorders and candida over growth are some basic examples) Enzymes are also a blood thinner and anti inflammatory. Enzymes keep your blood and bowels clean by breaking up excess proteins, carbs and fats present in excessive amounts in the modern diet
6. Pure water. Hydration is the key to staying flexible, energized, clean and fresh. Pure spring or reverse osmosis water stored in glass bottles is best. Avoid water in plastic bottles as much as possible to keep your hormones healthy. Fluoride water ruins your brain and turns you into a zombie7. Fruit meals. Fruit makes you smell and taste better. Fruit increases circulation, provides antioxidants and feeds your muscles and brain better than any other food. EAT MORE FRUIT!
8. Probiotics. Everyone should be taking probiotics in this world! There are too many reasons to list in this short email. Keep your colon clean, your immune system strong and mitigate the negative effects of GMO, pesticides and chlorinated water with probiotics. I eat coconut yogurt 3-4 times per week as medicine. I also take a scoop of probiotics every night before bed to keep my teeth and gums healthy.
9. Oregano essential oil. The single greatest natural antibiotic I have ever found is oregano oil. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics it only kills the bad micro organisms. Oregano oil is anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti parasite.
10. Colonics. You would be surprised at what bad shape your colon is in. Cooked food, processed food and stress disfigured the colon. Colonics help to wash away KILOS of old waste matter that accumulate from cooked and processed food and a stressful lifestyle. It can take anywhere from 2-12 sessions to get your colon clean.